Welcome to the Town of Hawthorne!

Douglas County, Wisconsin


News & Notices

Board Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm.

Annual 2025 meeting- April 15, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Open Book Meeting- May 7, 2025 from 1:00 PM

Board of Review Meeting- May 15, 2025 from 5:00 PM

Budget Meeting- TBD

The agendas for the town board meetings are posted at the Lucky 13, Covered Wagon Restaurant, and The Hawthorne Post Office. Feel free to come to any open meeting if you want to know what's going on in your neighborhood!



We welcome comments, concerns and ideas! Contact us through the Contact Us form on this site.

WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR PICTURES OF HAWTHORNE THROUGH THE YEARS so please email them to Tina at ctmoss09@gmail.com and we will download them to this site to share with others!

If you have a questions about your real estate taxes please come to the town hall or call 715-374-3641

Waste Management Trash and recycling changes 8/30/2024

A message from Waste Management:

WM is implementing a day change to the curbside residential trash and recycling collection in Hawthorne, moving ALL residential service from their current service day to Mondays. Going forward all residents living east of Highway 53 would be services on odd week Mondays and west of 53 on even week Mondays. The reason for the move is twofold, one everyone's trash and recycling service will be on the same day Monday and we anticipate efficiency gains which allows WM to keep your costs as low as possible.

We have a scheduled start date of Monday 9/16/24, residents will receive a postcard in the mail sent out at the end of this month with an updated calendar showing their new service day and describing the change. On Friday September13th residents with a phone # and/or email in our system will also receive an auto dial out phone message and email to remind them of the day change.

Trash: remains weekly service

Recycling: remains every-other week service


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